4th - Midnight Jazz Club - "Crystalline" single.
7th - Shannon Pearl - "Fae Fella" EP
11th - Ossuary - "Suffocation Pit" single
13th - Compression Session "Totally Oblivious" single.
90Bro "Apollo 90" single
17th - Perfect Chicken - "Pecking Order" LP
Jack Blenkinsopp - "Nouveau Witch" LP
21st -
Labyrinthine Oceans - "Lost to the Ocean"
24th - Charlotte Greyson & The Shame Areas "Get Outta My Yard" single.
Undivine Telephoneline - "In My Element"
25th - Detroit Tourist Board "Still Afloat" EP
Pieces of Eden - ep release
29th Precious Ink "Radio Silence" EP
31st -
- Dinky Bossetti "Pink, White and Blue" EP
Houseproud "Farmers" single
7th - OUTRI - "Her Bright Smile" ft. Imogen Bose Ward. Single. website
Pit Pony - "Dead Stars" LP
Boy Found Sound "Wired" single
8th - Mr. Bigfoot "How Do You Do?" single
9/2/2025 Slate Label "Slate Label EP"
Machine Music - "Pedestrian Sex"
Snakes With Tits - "Tangents EP"
Abnorm - "Giant" EP
Compression Session "Crawling The Walls" single
21/2/25 Parastatic - "concrete reborn" LP
Voodoo Black Exorcist - "Raped By The Ghost of Susan Atkins"
28th - Knats LP
15/3/25 Marrick - "Chapel" single
21/3/2025 Barry Hyde - "Miner's Ballads" LP
22/3/25 Machine Music - "Hikkiomori" single